Dangers of Trying to Do Your Own Plumbing

Dangers of Trying to Do Your Own Plumbing

Many people today are into do-it-yourself projects. Having the DIY spirit is great, but there should be a limit to the things you try to do on your own. Things like working with your electricity and plumbing are two of them. Plumbing is complex. It takes years to...
5 Most Common Plumbing Problems

5 Most Common Plumbing Problems

Plumbing problems are common in homes across America. If your home includes a faucet, drain, or garbage disposal, there’s a good chance that you’ve had to deal with at least one plumbing issue in the past. While some people are able to fix their own...
Plumbing Maintenance Can Reduce Plumbing Disasters

Plumbing Maintenance Can Reduce Plumbing Disasters

Getting your home on a maintenance routine can go a long way in keeping your pipes safe and your disasters prevented. Many people think that routine maintenance is a luxury; only call someone “if you need to”, and just make do until that time comes. But realistically,...
Video Inspections Before Buying Can Save You Tons

Video Inspections Before Buying Can Save You Tons

When you go to buy a house, call on professionals to look at every part of the home. A home inspector should do this himself, but sometimes they can miss things. Only trained professionals would be able to identify issues that could be disastrous in the future; their...
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