Can You Repair a Water Heater?

Can You Repair a Water Heater?

One morning, you wake up and head into the shower to get ready to start the day. You turn on the water and wait for it to get warm, but it never does. Before long, you realize that the problem is the water heater. It’s not working, and this is seriously bad news. You...
What to Do If Your Basement Floods

What to Do If Your Basement Floods

A flooded basement is a nightmare, but there are steps you can and should take as soon as you realize the space has flooded. This can help to ensure you remain safe and that you minimize the damage. Make sure you follow the tips below. Don’t Go Into the Flooded...
What You Get When We Suggest Sewer Line Rodding

What You Get When We Suggest Sewer Line Rodding

Did you know that sewer line rodding is possible? While most homeowners with septic systems assume it’s not, there are select occasions where this procedure may be necessary. When the cause of your clogged drain has been identified as a broken or cracked sewer...
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