How Long Do Most Sump Pumps Last?

How Long Do Most Sump Pumps Last?

Do you regularly go and check on your sump pump? Or are you like many people who just hope that it works when you need it to? Many people forget about these vital little pumps until the moment they become necessary. Thankfully, they are typically there, faithfully...
What Causes Repeated Clogs in the Sewer?

What Causes Repeated Clogs in the Sewer?

Is your sewer line clogged…again? What is the cause of these clogs and what can you do about it? Read on to learn some of the warning signs and why there might be clogs in your sewer line. Warning Signs of a Clogged Sewer Most people don’t stop to think about all of...
How Long Does a Water Heater Last?

How Long Does a Water Heater Last?

This is a common question and one that can vary depending on just who you ask. Typically, a water heater is going to last for between eight and 12 years. However, different manufacturers might have different expected life services for their machines. Generally,...
How to Unclog a Toilet that Won’t Drain

How to Unclog a Toilet that Won’t Drain

Having a toilet that won’t drain when you try to flush is a bad feeling. It’s one of the worst feelings, to be honest because it means you have a bit of potentially dirty work ahead of you. Clogged toilets are a mess, and they can be embarrassing. You want to clear...
How to Light the Pilot Light on Your Hot Water Heater

How to Light the Pilot Light on Your Hot Water Heater

Waking up and finding out that you don’t have any hot water for your shower is one of the most disappointing feelings. Sometimes, the reason you don’t have hot water is that the pilot light on the gas water heater has gone out. If it does go out, though, you will need...
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